Installation Instructions for Skate 2 Great Pocket Coach App

For ios devices

  1. Open Safari on your iphone and go to
  2. Tap the Share button (at the browser options)
  3. From the options tap the Add to Homescreen option, you can notice an icon of the website or screenshot of website added to your devices homescreen instantly.
  4. Tap the icon from homescreen, then the Skate 2 Great app will be loaded.
  5. Log in/create your account.
  6. Begin your on ice training session.

For Android devices

  1. Open your Android web browser. 
  2. Go to the website
  3. Tap on the Menu button. The looks of the Menu button will depend on your device; usually it’s an app button that looks like three horizontal lines stacked on each other, or it could be accessed through a hardware button on your phone.
  4. Tap “Add to Home Screen. Done! A shortcut to the website will be added to your home screen.
  5. Tap the icon from homescreen, then the Skate 2 Great app will be loaded.
  6. Log in/create your account.
  7. Begin your on ice training session.