Skate 2 Great Privacy Policy

(Effective Date: September 18,2019, updated: February 17, 2020)

In order to utilize this website, you must agree to comply with the contents of this privacy policy (“privacy policy”).

Skate 2 Great is committed to protecting personal rights to privacy. We do not require personal information from our visitors, nor do we collect any personally identifying information unless you knowingly provide it.

Please take a few moments to review the privacy policy of the website prior to engaging with it in any manner. The use of the website and app, including but not limited to browsing or contributing, acknowledges compliance with the terms of the privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

The Skate 2 Great privacy policy will provide information about how we use your personal information. It discloses the collection, usage and disclosure of any personal information by Skate 2 Great and it’s associated organizations as described in the “Data Controllers and Contacting Us” portion of this privacy policy.

This privacy policy also includes an explanation of how we gather personal information using cookies and other similar means. You will learn how to access your personal information in this policy. You will also learn how to update personal information and find out about potential data protection rights which could apply to you. This may include the right to oppose certain processing we partake in. It could also include what constitutes consent and the method for canceling consent. These rights are applicable through your country’s laws, statutes and regulations.

Any personal information we collect from you or about you is covered in this privacy policy. This includes information gathered when you browse any and all internet sites managed and regulated by Skate 2 Great which link to our privacy policy. It also includes any interaction you have with any social media pages, advertisements, customer services, or blogs and any involvement in events and/or demonstrations. Skate 2 Great is the data controller for all data processing applications as outlined in this privacy policy.

There may be other instances in which we will ask for additional personal information. When doing so, we will also furnish further information about our privacy policy. This practice will allow us to supply the most appropriate and prompt information available.

Skate 2 Great may change any of the information in our privacy policy at any time. We may also change the method in which we manage personal information. If we do so, we will revise this privacy policy and notify users as applicable.

We will cover the following topics in this privacy policy:

  • Personal information we collect
  • Tracking technology, such as cookies, that we utilize
  • Processing and usages of personal information and the correlating legal foundation
  • Personal information disclosure
  • Cancellation or objection to any consent
  • Your personal rights
  • Miscellaneous

Information That We Collect About You

We may ask for personal information in various areas of the website/app. Some of the identifying information may include, but is not limited to, name, email address, address, home phone number, mobile phone number, credit card number, user name and password.

We may also ask for personal information when you contact us. This may include, but is not limited to, name, email address, organization name, event details, phone number and communication content.

Some personal information is passively collected when you access our site. This includes, but is not limited to, your device’s technical data. Technical data includes your internet protocol (IP) address, browser information, time zone setting, operating system and operating system platform. It also includes facts about your visit to our website. We will know the URL clickstream data, your viewing history, search history, content viewed and interacted with, ads viewed and interacted with, page response times, download errors, time spent on pages, scrolling, clicks and mouse-over information and the processes used to leave pages. This information is sustained using cookies and similar technological processes. Section 2 contains further detail about passively collected information.

At times, we may receive information about you from our partners. This personal data may include, but is not limited to name and contact information. We use this information to streamline information you may find useful.

In some instances, we will use statistical or similar information as research and development tools. This would include, but is not limited to analytical information. This type of information will also be used for our promotional and advertising objectives.

Usage of Cookies and other Tracking Technology

Our website uses cookies, beacons, embedded scripts and local shared objects, as well as does our partner websites. An explanation of each is provided.

Each time you visit our website, cookies are stored on your computer. These are small text files that a website acknowledges as belongings to a certain device or browser. Websites regularly use cookies to track users’ movement through a website.

Along with cookies, we also use beacons as a means of identifying our users. Beacons are graphic images that are small in size and could also be called pixel tags or clear GIFs. They are used in our website and other related correspondence. They recognize our users, their devices, browsing behavior, email application information, verification of communication actions, screen resolution and application of the most relevant content and ads.

There is a programming code that allows a website to gather data about how you engage with a website, it is called an embedded script. This tracks information such as the links that you click on. An embedded script is downloaded onto your device for a limited time by our web server or outside provider. It is only active when you are engaged with our website and is deactivated or deleted afterwards.

Websites that use Adobe Flash use data which is stored on a computer or device. This data is called local shared objects or Flash cookies. Advertising partners and outside parties we use for feature content or to present particular browsing-based material use local shared objects as well. There are potential tools available to manage local shared objects based on individual browser practices.

The reasons we use these technologies are for analytical data, site, service and product administration, following website movement and collecting demographic data. Third party companies may provide reporting to us as individual data or as a collective assembly.

Opting Out Of Cookies

Required/Technical Cookies. These cookies allow you to access and navigate the website. We recognize users who have chosen to identify themselves to us by using these types of cookies. This is done using encrypted data that is attached to your browser each time you log onto our website. We are able to use this identifier to process your website activity.

Required/technical cookies are necessary for website performance, therefore, the opportunity to opt out does not exist for these types of cookies.

Functionality Cookies. These cookies allow the website to remember data you have previously entered into the website. This may include, but is not limited to, username, language and region information. Functionality cookies allow for website optimization and customization.

Functionality cookies may by opted out of by editing your browser settings. By choosing to opt out of these cookies, the performance of the website will be altered.

Targeting/Advertising Cookies. At times, we use third party partners for analytical information tracking and to gather statistical data from our users. These outside parties use cookies to gather facts such as which of the different browsers have logged onto the website.

Some of our third party partners gather information from web beacons as explained above. This information may include, but is not limited to, IP addresses and additional identifying information. This information is collected from the website and emails. They gather this information using cookies and other technology. Online actions are tracked for extended intervals of time and by using multiple websites. The technology is able to identify you by any devices you may use, including, but not limited to a desktop computer, laptop computer, smartphone or tablet. The information may be used to present advertising suited to your interests and may appear on any device you utilize. The information may also be used to analyze our marketing endeavors. Our outside partners use Flash cookies for data tracking and analyzing. These differ from browser cookies in the volume, type and manner in which data is maintained.

To opt out of targeted advertising, you may choose the TRUSTe opt-out tool, the Digital Adversity Alliance (DAA) or the European Union option, depending on which the partner participates with. By opting out of targeting advertising, you will no longer receive advertising catered to your interests, you will only receive generic advertising.

Skate 2 Great follows the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles for outside party data collection.

Analytics Cookies. These types of cookies are used to gather collective information on our users. This includes, but is not limited to, the number of website visitors, the browsing history of users to our website and outside sites. This information gathered is not used for advertising objectives.

Social Media Cookies. Some social media outlets use cookies. This allows for ease in content sharing and an enhanced user experience. There are pages on our website that may use these social media cookies because we are linked to the providers (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). You can find more information on the sites, links and service providers in the Social Media Widgets section of this statement. In cases of social media cookies, the service providers manage the cookies, rather than Skate 2 Great. In order to learn more about managing social media cookies check the provider’s website for their policies. You may also manage these cookies through your browser or check the website www.

Social media cookies can be divided into 2 categories: persistent or session cookie. The session cookie will be eliminating as soon as you finish browsing. Persistent cookies will not be eliminated once you finish browsing, they will remain until they are deleted or until they expire.

How Your Personal Information is Used and the Legal Foundation That Applies

You are not required to provide any of your personal information, but may find it necessary in order to use many of our services and resources. Some of this information could be contact information or log in data. You are responsible for consenting to receive electronic marketing messages, without consent, you will not receive this type of communication from us. You may learn more about applied consent below in the section pertaining to consent.

There are several reasons for processing your personal information. The following lists the reasons that we use the information in either an electronic or manual method:

For Website Users and Customers –
We will use your personal information to complete a contract obligation including account access administration, order processing, supply products and/or services, to communicate with you about products or services, to respond to questions and complaints about the website and its products or services.

We will also use your personal information as it is necessary to administer our business practices. Specific uses are for an enhanced user experience, we will use your information to personalize our website, advertisements and offers; for site administration, identity verification and fraud detection; to respond to information requests; for website administration, analyzation, technological validation, and marketing and advertising development; for site security, management, reporting, internal analyzation and business development; for any possible litigation purposes and to secure compliance with our policies; for data collection and analyzation, none of which will specifically identify you, but rather create a general demographic, this information may be sold or transferred to a third party for lawful purposes.

We gather your information in the places you give your consent. This could be when you ask for certain marketing information, when you give your consent for cookies and related technologies and any other area in which we ask for and explain your consent.

If a government or other authority requests your information and it is required by law, we will comply.

For Third Party Partners, Publishers and any other Service Outlets-

In order to meet contract commitments, administer regular business practices, or for management, internal reporting or documentation, we may use contact information gathered from outside organizations and third parties.

Your Personal Information Disclosure

The disclosure of your personal information will happen to the following third parties and for the following reasons and with your consent in other circumstances.

To Service Providers: In order to complete the duties we employ them for, we will provide them with specific personal information. Third parties and partners have authorization to use your data only to complete their specific functions and as necessary. Some reasons we may partner with service providers are for processing products and services, account management, hosting, IT, security, support, billing, advertising, marketing and communications.

Legal Requirements: In the case of a request from government or other authorities, we will divulge personal information. We will disclose this information in the event it is required by law or if we believe it is necessary for the following reasons; we must comply with a court order, subpoena or any other lawful practice; in our defense; to protect others’ safety; in defense of legal liability; in the case of any illegal or prohibited activity; for any other law abiding requirement.

Business Transfers: Our business may change over time. We may buy or sell other businesses or business assets. In this case, your personal information may be transferred with the business transactions. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution or bankruptcy, you will be notified of the disclosure of your personal information.

Third Party Partners: With your express consent as required by law, we may disclose your personal data to our third party partners. They may use this information as they choose and may indulge direct marketing usage.

Consent Objection or Withdrawal

As stated in the personal information disclosure section of this statement, there may be instances when we are required or otherwise compelled to process your personal information. In cases in which we are not required or otherwise compelled, you have the right to withdraw consent. In addition, you also have the right to opt out of any direct marketing set forth by us or our affiliates. To opt out of newsletters or other communications, choose the unsubscribe option or email us at our website When choosing the opt out alternative, you will still receive service messages.

Your Rights

You have the right to access your information and maintain it to your choosing if you are a member of the EEA. You also have the right to impede processing in some cases.

There are certain restriction to these rights in some circumstances. If another user’s personal data is at risk your request may be denied. If your request breaches any laws or if we have a legitimate sake in keeping the information, your request may also be denied. Should your request be denied, you will be informed of the reasons for the denial and the applicable laws.

Please contact us at our website to make any requests. You may file a complaint to any EU data protection authority if you feel your rights have been violated.

Should you choose to shut down an account, your personal information will be eliminated and your identity blocked. Deactivation is reliant on our retention policy, which you may learn more about in that section of this privacy policy.

You may request to opt out or deactivate your information with our affiliates by contacting them directly. You may exercise your privacy rights at any time from our third party partners.


Third Party Websites: Our website has links to outside websites which are managed or owned by a third party. Although we are affiliated with these websites, we have no responsibility for their content for privacy processes. You should contact each outside affiliate directly for their individual practices relating to privacy or their related processes. There are instances where our processes are unified with our customers. In these cases, the customer is the party responsible for personal information collection and management. We may process data as we receive it from the customer in order to process requests, but our privacy statement will not apply. The customer should be contacting with any communication concerns or requests.

Public blogs and other features: Our website contains publicly accessible information in the form of blogs, community forums and other information. Personal information placed on any pubic forum is subject to use by other users. These users may use the information to have unsolicited contact with you. You may be required to disclose personal information in order to utilize the public forums. We have no part in managing any of the information posted by the public, therefore, this privacy statement is not applicable should you choose to participate in public data sharing. In order to request any posted information be removed or censored, you will need to contact the affiliate.

Social Media Widgets: Our website has links to outside social media providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram You may find their location here, we are not affiliated with any social media outlet.

Facebook: 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

Twitter: 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Instagram: 181 South Park Street Suite 2 San Francisco, CA 94107 USA

By linking to these sites, you are subject to their privacy statements. In order to make requests or learn about their policies, visit any of their respective sites.

Security: We have security measures in place to secure personal information. Even with these measures, there is still a risk of loss of personal information, misuse, unapproved access, disclosure or alteration, no internet usage is guaranteed free from error or misuse. Use care when deciding what information to send through a website or email. Sensitive personal information is encrypted with secure socket layer technology (SSL).

Retention: Your personal information will remain with us as long as you have an active account or require services from us. We will also retain your information to keep pace with any legal obligations we may have or to solve any pending conflict or comply with our commitments. You may email us to receive more information about personal data retention on our website.

Minors: Users must be 16 years of age or older to use our website or submit any personal information. Users under the age of 16 are encouraged to be monitored in their online usage by their parents and guardians. We will not solicit personal information from users under the age of 16 deliberately.

Contact Us & Data Controllers: You may use our contact us page to send us messages with questions or comments. You may file complaints, inquire further about our privacy policy or contact any of our affiliates.